Status Code and Throttling
HTTP Status Code
Status Code | Description |
| Successful. |
| The resource has been created. |
| Accepted. Your image generation request has been accepted for processing. |
| Check your request, it is invalid. |
| Not authorized. Make sure the provided API key is correct. |
| The resource is not found. |
| Method not allowed. Ensure you're using the correct HTTP verb for the endpoint. |
| Too many requests, slow down. See throttling. |
| Something is wrong with our server. Let us know! |
Throttle rate is set at 10 requests per 10 seconds. You request will return with 429
status if your request has been throttled.
The following headers will also be sent,
Header | Descripton |
| Current limit |
| Remaining request that can be sent within limit |
| Epoch time (seconds) for when the limit is reset |
Last updated